A static site is cool – but having a blog where you can regularly write is better!
Write your first two posts and add a linked list of all posts to your index.
How to do it
Create a new directory _posts
and in that a file 2013-11-30-my-first-post.md
Write this into the post:
title: my first post
layout: default
hello world
Now open yourusername.github.io/2013/11/30/my-first-post.html
. Awesome, huh? There it is! The thing is, that is has no headline. So we will make a special layout for blogposts:
Create a new file post.html
in the _layouts
folder. Put this inside the file:
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
{{ content }}
In your post, change layout:
from default
to post
If you now go back to yourusername.github.io/2013/11/30/my-first-post.html
you should have your headline generated from what you entered behind title:
on top.
Let's make a second post 2013-11-30-my-second-post.md
with this inside:
title: my second post
layout: post
hello kittens
Only one thing left missing. We want to have a list of all our blogposts on our index, right? Put this into your index.html
{% for post in site.posts %}
<li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
should now feature the two posts you already wrote. But the great part is: any post you add will automatically appear in this list! Awesome, huh?
Actually, by using {% for post in site.posts %} you did your first bit of programming! You iterated over an array. But that is something for another course :)
What did you just do?
You used Jekyll to makes pages from your blogposts and Liquid to generate headlines and a list of posts. Follow these links to learn about it.
And what about that ".md" file extension?
You discovered one the secret superpowers of the web: Markdown.
Markdown provides you with a small subset of HTML-Tags – without having to write the tags! That's right. Here's an example that should get you started:
## A sub headline
this is a paragraph.
Here is an image:
[This is a link](http://www.nyan.cat/).
- and this
- is a
- list
will become
<h2>A sub headline</h2>
this is a paragraph.
Here is an image:
<img src="http://placekitten.com/g/200/200" alt="more kittens">.
<a href="http://www.nyan.cat/">This is a link</a>.
<li>and this</li>
<li>is a </li>
Just try Markdown out in your posts and read more about it at the creator's site.