Dr. Rachael Tatman (R/Py): Data Scientist @kaggle & Linguistics PhD. Data science, stats, R, Python, NLP and linguistics. Live coding data science on twitch and other interactive projects.
Mara Averick (R): tidyverse dev advocate @rstudio #rstats, #datanerd, #civictech ๐er, ๐ stats junkie, using #data4good (&or ๐ฅ fantasy sports), lesser ยฝ of @batpigandme ๐ฆ๐ฝ
Julia Silge (R): Data science and visualization at @StackOverflow, #rstats, author of Text Mining with R, parenthood.
Maรซlle Salmon (R): PhD in statistics. ๐#rstats. Living the FOSS dream working for @rOpenSci & @LockeData. Onboarding co-editor at @rOpenSci. #rladies. Member of @rweekly_org team.
Hadley Wickham (R): R, data, visualisation. Creator of, and contributor to, numerous R libraries.
Jake VanderPlas (Py): Data scientist in academia & exploring what that means with a great team at @UWeScience. Visiting researcher at @Google; dad to two girls; author of @pydatasci.
Wes McKinney (Py): Data science toolmaker at https://ursalabs.org/ . Creator of pandas, @IbisData. @ApacheArrow @ApacheParquet PMC. Wrote Python for Data Analysis.
Allen Downey (Py): Professor at Olin College, author of Think Python, blauthor of Probably Overthinking It, and stark raving Bayesian.
Hugo-Bowne (Py): Data scientist, writer, mathematician, educator.
Julia Evans: Julia writes about lots of stuff. Check out her blog.