
Data Science

Hello and welcome! You’ve found the website where OpenTechSchool’s data science content will live. There isn’t much here yet, but we do have a few things planned, including tutorials and projects that can be used by individuals and co-learning groups. Checkout Contact in the sidebar to see if there’s an OTS data science co-learning group in your city.

But wait! What is this thing we call data science?

Data science is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. - Wikipedia

There is a bit of debate about what data science is, and what it isn’t, but for our purposes this wonderfully vague Wikipedia definition is good enough. Data science takes on many different forms, but ultimately it is about drawing insights from data and, critically, communicating these insights in such a way that your intended audience understands them.

To that end, our goal is to provide a sort of road map to a to a career in data science, which we plan to do by recommending good free resources (there are lots of them), and filling the gaps as needed. To tide you over until then we’ve scraped together some learning resources, and other content, that we’ve found useful in the past. Just click External Resources in the sidebar.

Make sure to check out OpenTechSchool’s main page, where you can see who we are and what we do. You can also use the locator to find co-learnings in you area, including data science co-learning opportunities. Co-learning groups can also found on

If you’re interested in becoming an organizer or coach for an existing co-learning, or if you want to set up a new co-learning or workshop, the best way is to first say hi at one of the meetups, or to contact us using one of the options on the main page. If you want to contribute data science related tutorials or other content and you know you’re way around Github, markdown, etc., the repo for this website can be found here.

See you soon!