Learn Python

  • Introduction to Programming with Python from OTS: Perfect for anyone with limited exposure to programming. Covers everything you need to get started with Python. Available in English, German, Spanish, Russian, Korean, and Romanian.

  • Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Teaches Python as a means to get things done. Free if you use the website, also available as a book and a Udemy course.

  • Python Course: Probably one of the most comprehensive free tutorials available, it covers everything from “Hello World” to advanced OOP. Klein also offers quite a bit beyond the core material, e.g. Advanced Topics, Numerical Python, Machine Learning, and Tkinter Tutorial. All the material is offered in English and German.

  • Introduction to Data Processing with Python from OTS: A work in progress, our own tutorial builds on the foundations of Introduction to Programming with Python. You’ll learn how to install and use Jupyter notebooks, load data, analyze a survey, and visualize your data. We’ve got quite a bit in the pipeline, so be sure to check back soon.

  • Pandas Tutorial: This tutorial consists of a series of Jupyter Notebooks introducing the fundamentals of the Pandas module. The notebooks can be freely downloaded. The Pandas tutorial, as well as tutorials on a number of other data science related topics, are also available as email courses.

  • StatsModels Tutorial: Repo of Jupyter Notebooks dealing with the StatsModels module. The material is a little old and not very well organized, but there are still a few gems there for anyone doing statistics in Python.

  • SciPy Lecture Notes: A brief (1-2 hours per module) introduction to the tools and techniques of Python’s SciPy module.

  • CS109 Data Science: A very comprehensive, very challenging course from Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Uses Python.