Introduction to Programming with Python from OTS: Perfect for anyone with limited exposure to programming. Covers everything you need to get started with Python. Available in English, German, Spanish, Russian, Korean, and Romanian.
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Teaches Python as a means to get things done. Free if you use the website, also available as a book and a Udemy course.
Python Course: Probably one of the most comprehensive free tutorials available, it covers everything from “Hello World” to advanced OOP. Klein also offers quite a bit beyond the core material, e.g. Advanced Topics, Numerical Python, Machine Learning, and Tkinter Tutorial. All the material is offered in English and German.
Introduction to Data Processing with Python from OTS: A work in progress, our own tutorial builds on the foundations of Introduction to Programming with Python. You’ll learn how to install and use Jupyter notebooks, load data, analyze a survey, and visualize your data. We’ve got quite a bit in the pipeline, so be sure to check back soon.
Pandas Tutorial: This tutorial consists of a series of Jupyter Notebooks introducing the fundamentals of the Pandas module. The notebooks can be freely downloaded. The Pandas tutorial, as well as tutorials on a number of other data science related topics, are also available as email courses.
StatsModels Tutorial: Repo of Jupyter Notebooks dealing with the StatsModels module. The material is a little old and not very well organized, but there are still a few gems there for anyone doing statistics in Python.
SciPy Lecture Notes: A brief (1-2 hours per module) introduction to the tools and techniques of Python’s SciPy module.
CS109 Data Science: A very comprehensive, very challenging course from Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Uses Python.