Hopefully this tutorial has tought you just enough python to get you on your feet. However, there is much more that you can learn! Even professional programmers will always be trying to learn more about their language and how to code excellently with it.
If you like learning from a book, there are heaps of good ones, and even many that can be read freely on the web!
You wouldn’t believe what you can do on the web these days. There are many courses on programming around!
Well, that’s a tough one! See, practically anything you can think of involving some electronics - from your TV remote, to a smartphone, to the backend of a popular web service, to the scheduling of airport landings, to the software you use everyday - it all involves some programming somewhere!
And not only is it a big field practically, but also technically and academically. As soon as you have a basic understanding of a general language like python, you can start working on all manner of subjects: web frontends, web backend services, data analysis and statistics, Artificial Intelligence, GUI design, robotics, software development of all kinds, online transactions, automation of everything, and many more.
We wouldn’t blame if that all sounds daunting, so here’s some practical advice, that takes advantage of how wide a field “programming” is:
Apply your new skills to whatever you’re passionate about.
Whether that’s starting a new business, helping you do some task involving data faster, putting up an online site, calculating advantages in a game you play, creating art and music, or anything else, finding out how to use programming to help with whatever floats your boat will make learning much more exciting and relevant. Feel free to ask someone more experienced if you have no idea where to start, but always mention what makes you tick!