A short introduction to the way OpenTechSchool coaches learners
You are about to help out at an OpenTechSchool workshop as a coach. With this presentation we want to give you a quick introduction of what that means.
The focus for the event is to show learners that coding and tech is nothing to be afraid of, but rather a lot of fun!
This OTS coaching style has its roots in the RailsBridge teaching style. As such it is very focused on creating a friendly and open environment for learners of all sorts.
Achieving this and having a pleasant learning experience is the focus of this presentation.
We strongly believe the best way to learn to code — or any other tech-related subject, for that matter — is with a hands-on, experience-oriented, and pragmatic workshop that someone can work through at their own pace. Our curricula are designed for exactly that purpose.
This is also reflected in the way we organise ourselves on site: there is no classroom-style setting; everyone has their own workspace instead. There is no teacher in front and no one going through the material with a presenter.
in the sense that we are not standing in front and teaching here.
Chances are, there is a specific question when the learner asks you to help them. How do you respond?
Question solved. Now what?
a few things we are not doing
Their keyboard
Doing so confuses learners. In the tech community we have some strong opinions and our ways to express them, but for people new to it, this can quickly look like a huge fight. We do not fight each other!
We are here to coach you in this programming language/method/technology and that is the focus for this event.
for helping us spread the fun of coding
You can contribute to improve the slides on this website: github.com/OpenTechSchool/slides/tree/gh-pages/presentations/coaching