Discovering Css


Welcome to Advanced Css workshop! This course is for who already have some basic knowledge of Css (and Html) and willing to learn more about css and discover and try out the last techniques

In the last years and in particular since when Css3 are here, Css became more and more important part for a well-made web site or application. There are always a new techniques comeing out or maybe just new trends that every body want to use and ask for it. In this scenario the usage of Css is became more complicate and need more structure as well. That’s why we create this workshop. To be able to just to style your website but also to really work with Css in a more professional way.

What we’ll do today

We prepered for you several small tasks so you can pick up the topic that you are interested in more, read about it and follow the small curriculum. Every tasks have two part, an informative part and than an exercise to do with a final goal.

There is no real order. You can choose the task you want.

Remember for any questions you have, you can always referred to our coaches. Have fun!

The course

Reference material